Tradie Profit System

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Referrals & Other Lead Generation

Introduction to Referrals:
Understanding their importance in a diversified marketing strategy.
The Need for Diversification:
Relying solely on one "arm" of marketing isn't sustainable
Case study: Plumber whose business suffered due to the failure of a single strategy (digital marketing).
Importance of Identifying the Potential Referral
Strengthening existing networks by clearly recognizing and understanding who your primary customers should be.
Understanding Your Audience's Locale: Identifying where your target audience is most active - Which Facebook groups? Which trade groups?
Recognizing Potential Suppliers: Do you know anyone who supplies to your target market? For instance, as a gas plumber, establishing connections with people who sell boats can prove advantageous.
Leveraging Facebook Groups for Lead Generation:
Exploiting popular social media platforms where your target audience is active to generate potential leads.
Drafting Effective Conversations:
Provision of a template or example of an effective conversation that can potentially lead to referrals.
Formulating Partner Scripts: Creating a standard template for conversations with potential partners, aiding in consistent and effective communication.
Offering Incentives: Introducing a referral incentive, such as a 5% cash rebate, detailed in a formal contract template.
Rinse and Repeat: The importance of repeatedly implementing successful strategies.
Maintaining Consistency: Emphasizing that most people stop efforts after achieving a good result. Success, however, requires constant effort and adherence to proven strategies


Action Items

Fill in the chart below with 3 people/businesses of each possible referral source.

Expanding Your Referral Network
3 Examples
Which Facebook groups contain your target audience?
1. 2. 3.
Which trade groups contain your target market?
1. 2. 3.
Do you know anyone who supplies to your target market?
1. 2. 3.
Do you know anyone who provides a complimentary good or service to your target market?
1. 2. 3.
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